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Gilliam's Don Quixote Gets a Second Trailer

The Man Who Killed Don Quixote actually exists. Honest to God. It's crazy.

Terry Gilliam is no stranger to having difficulties getting films made. The man's entire career has been filled with one windmill fight after another. The fact that he even exists in the entertainment world is a miracle, and we should thank our lucky stars that he's still actually trying to make good shit.

The new trailer for Gilliam's Don Quixote looks pretty good. A lot of folks who have been down on his output in the last couple of decades may have reservations, but I honestly think this might turn out to be one of his best films in years. I'm really getting some Fisher King vibes from this new trailer, and that's a great thing.

The new film is currently getting limited distribution in France with no word of stateside release just yet. Apparently there is a legal battle raging behind the scenes as well, but honestly at this point it's just par for the course for Gilliam. Someday we'll get to see this and until then we'll all be eagerly waiting. Let's just hope it doesn't start raining frogs while we're in the theater.