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A ‘Joker’ Sequel Is No Longer A Laughing Matter

A slew of conflicting reports came out today saying that Todd Phillips has met with the top mucky-mucks at Warner Bros regarding a possible sequel to his mega-smash Joker. Some reports say that Phillips has met with WB not only about Joker 2 but also possibly taking the reigns on other gritty origin stories for multiple DC characters. Other sources say that most of that is bunk but most people agree that Joker 2 seems more and more likely. While it once seemed impossible, it almost seems inevitable now. A sequel to Joker is almost certainly on the way and to that I say “Oy.”

Joker is a good movie and Joaquin Phoenix delivers a powerhouse, terrific performance. But do we really need a Joker 2? Do we need to see the next steps for Phoenix’s Arthur Fleck? Personally, I think a Joker follow-up is beyond unnecessary. I think that the closing of the film, featuring Mr. Fleck inspiring mobs of unruly Gotham citizens, says all that you need to know. Fleck has transformed into the Joker, he has become more than just a man but has become a symbol and an avatar for madness, anger and anarchy. We all know what happens next, it plays out in our minds better than it could play out on screen. Why ruin such a brilliant but ambiguous ending with an official sequel? Why not just let things rest as they are? Joker was about a down-trodden man who was shit on by society and all those around him and how he morphed into a villain. That’s the story, that’s what made the film interesting. The movie was about why he became the Joker, not what happened after that transformation was complete.

Phillips did something quite different with Joker and any proposed sequel risks turning this story into just another comic book movie. Joker was wildly unique and perhaps the most independent and different thing it can do is resist the urge for a sequel.

But money talks and the movie has made lots and lots of it. An ungodly amount of money, really. WB would be stupid to not at least ponder what a follow-up would look like. So talks of a sequel aren’t surprising. I can only hope that Phillips and WB take a very measured and very smart approach to the next steps.

Perhaps the worst move they could take would be to attempt a Joker-like film for other DC characters. Phillips’s approach works for the Joker and only the Joker. We don’t need a gritty Riddler or Catwoman movie (I’ll hear out a gritty Clayface origin story though). It worked well for this movie but that doesn’t mean every character under the sun needs a Todd Phillips take. Movie studios too often beat a dead horse and over-expose a good thing. They go overboard with characters or ideas and before you know it we are forced to watch three or four movies revolving around Captain Jack Sparrow. Spare me.

Bottom line: Joker 2 is very likely but Warner Bros should tread carefully or else they risk giving us too much of a good thing.