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‘Wonder Woman 1984’ Trailer: She Literally Rides Lightning

What you see above is the first trailer for Wonder Woman 1984, which debuted at CCXP. The trailer premiered to screaming crowds and was personally introduced by star Gal Gadot and director Patty Jenkins. I have to assume the preview was met with thunderous applause because this is outstanding. Watch. Enjoy.

From the very first frame of the trailer, you can tell that the film is heavily leaning into the 1980s aesthetic. The lights, the costumes, the fan-flipping-tastic remix of New Order — it all feels very much of that era. Hell, I even saw a WaldenBooks in there!

The trailer doesn’t divulge much of the plot, aside from the fact that Maxwell Lord (Pedro Pascal) is an infomercial king who is hellbent on more control and that Kristin Wiig’s Barbara Minerva is probably going to only further complicate matters. We also see a good amount of Steve Trevor (Chris Pine) though we do not yet know how he somehow found himself in the 1980s. Time will tell. The trailer also contains some great moments of vehicular destruction and Wonder Woman tearing through the White House and laying waste to some armed evildoers. It all looks tremendous and bright and exciting and loud and very, very 80s.

Oh, there is also a shot featuring Diana literally swinging from a bolt of lightning. Stick a fork in me, I’m done.

Wonder Woman was a huge runaway hit that not only rivaled the success of Marvel films but actually surpassed quite a few of them. DC and Warner Bros have a lot to prove with Wonder Woman 1984 and they are obviously bringing their A-games and taking it all very seriously.

Wonder Woman 1984 hits theaters June 5, 2020.