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You’ll See the New ‘Saw’ Sooner

I’m excited for the new Saw film* for a number of reasons. Firstly, Chris Rock came up with the idea and is producing and starring in the film. I’ve always loved Rock. While his comedy stylings might not be shown in Saw, I still think he’s one of the best comedians of all time. I’m obviously a fan. Then there’s the involvement of director Darren Lynn Bousman, who helmed some of the earlier, better Saw movies. Finally, there’s the addition of Samuel L. Jackson, who will portray Rock’s father in the film. I have been theorizing that perhaps Jackson’s role will be much more than indicated (I can see him as a horror villain, can’t you?) but I don’t want to get too ahead of myself. Regardless, I’m loving the people putting this thing together.

But I’m still cautious! I haven’t liked a Saw movie in a very long time. I am anxious to see if Rock’s take on the franchise is any good. And now I won’t have to wait as long to see if it is. Lionsgate announced today that it’ll be releasing the new Saw on May 15, 2020 instead of its original release date of October 23, 2020. That’s a whopping five months early. Lionsgate really wants you to see this thing.

Is the move because October 2020 is getting overly crowded with Halloween Kills? That’s definitely possible but you know Lionsgate will try to convince you it’s because they’re just SO confident in this new take on the franchise. Sure, the Saw films have always been October staples but it’s time to shake things up.

An earlier release date means an earlier poster, trailer and more information sooner so I’m totally okay with this change. I’m putting a lot of faith in Chris Rock’s Saw, I’m really hoping it can revitalize the aging, tired series. I think Lionsgate is hoping the same thing.

*File under: Things I Never Thought I’d Say Again.