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‘Dungeons & Dragons’ Directors Discovered

I have no idea what this picture means.

I know little-to-nothing about Dungeons & Dragons. I know that it’s an immense, expansive role-playing board game. I know that it’s about…dungeons? And dragons? That’s literally all the information I have about the game.

Oh, and I know that it’s super popular. I consider myself nerdy by nature though I have never delved into D&D but I know that those who have positively adore it. Being a D&D pro adds a whole other level to your nerdy street cred.

Paramount has been trying to make a Dungeons & Dragons film for a few years now, ever since they acquired the rights from New Line who released an abysmal adaptation back in 2000. Now the gears are turning again and Paramount’s take on the game is prepping to be made. To show how serious they are, Paramount have chosen directors to helm the feature.

Jonathan Goldstein and John Francis Daley are set to direct the film, which maybe still has a July, 2021 release date. Goldstein and Daley are best known for their writing work on the Vacation remake, Spider-Man: Homecoming and Game Night, which they directed to much acclaim. Daley is also well-known for his acting work, most notably on Freaks & Geeks. Dungeons & Dragons, Freaks & Geeks! Daley loves his ampersands!

Goldstein and Daley obviously tend to write and direct lighter fare, which would suggest that Paramount doesn’t want a heavy, grimdark fantasy tale with Dungeons & Dragons. That’s great news, the world has plenty of dark, ultra-serious fantasy movies. I’d love for a D&D movie to be fun. It IS based on a game, after all. It should be fun.

If Paramount intends to really release this film in Summer 2021 then they better get moving on the cast and other important choices. They’ve nabbed their directors and that’s one of the biggest hurdles. Time to roll the dice and see which Hollywood stars they can also bring in. Until that time, someone explain to me everything about Dungeons & Dragons so I don’t sound like an idiot when the film comes out.