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Chris Pine to Play America’s Sexiest Anchor, Walter Cronkite

Is it fair that Chris Pine is referred to as a heartthrob instead of a talented actor? No, not really. The guy has seriously proven himself. His work in Hell or High Water is legitimately fantastic and transformative and didn’t get nearly enough respect. Plus his performances in other projects, such as Carriers, I Am The Night and Outlaw King, skyrocket him high above being just a sex symbol. The dude can act.

And act he will! It’s been announced that Pine will portray legendary newsman/America’s conscious Walter Cronkite in Newsflash, a historical drama written by Ben Jacoby. The movie will be about the fateful day when JFK was assassinated and an entire nation turned to Cronkite to get up-to-the-minute news. Cronkite became elevated that day, he transcended into far more than just a news anchor. In the modern day of countless TV personalities and 24-hour news networks it’s hard to recognize just how important Cronkite was to the country but there was no one bigger. Needless to say, Pine has quite his work cut out for him.

Newsflash sounds like it’s most definitely and extremely “my shit” as the kids today say. A historically-accurate drama about one of the most important days in American history? An examination of the news industry? A character piece about the hardworking men and women who informed a nation and guided it forward? This movie sounds like a history junkie’s dream come true. And the addition of Pine as Cronkite is inspired and, most importantly, a great choice. As I said at the start, Pine can act and he doesn’t get acknowledged enough for his abilities. So do your thing, Chris Pine. I support you. Us ruggedly-handsome heartthrobs need to stick together.