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Is This The First Poster For Wes Anderson’s ‘The French Dispatch’? Oui, Oui It Is

Below we have the first poster for Wes Anderson’s upcoming film, The French Dispatch. It’s a cute little cartoon, packed full of lovely, peculiar detail. Click on the poster to enlarge and get a really good look at every minuscule thing going on.

We don’t know much about The French Dispatch but we do know it “brings to life a collection of stories from the fictional issue of an American magazine published in a fictional 20th-century French city.” Sounds charming and right up Anderson’s alley. This feels very much like a Wes Anderson film and we haven’t even seen a single frame.

And look at that cast! Everyone knows that Anderson can put together a killer compilation of performers but, Oh mon Dieu, this film is stacked. You know you’ve got a wonderful cast when Bob freakin’ Balaban is towards the bottom of the list.

Can we learn anything else from this poster? No, not really. I get the hunch that Bill Murray is playing a writer, Jeffrey Wright his editor. Adrien Brody is a crooked businessman? Benicio del Toro is obviously an artist. Meanwhile, in the background, we see a police chase, a bloodied butcher and two people riding around on a mo-ped. There’s a lot to see here.

And more to see tomorrow, when the first trailer for The French Dispatch drops. The movie opens July 24th.

By the way, Collider noted that the film is rated R for “graphic nudity, some sexual references and language.” Graphic nudity, eh? That really makes you wonder just what del Toro’s character is painting…