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‘Monster Hunter’ Posters Give Us Some Ridiculously Large Swords

What is Monster Hunter? Well, it’s a new film from director Paul W.S. Anderson. The movie is based on the popular video game series of the same name, in which you are a titular hunter who has to track and slaughter giant beasts. The games have a pretty rabid fan base, especially overseas. I don’t know much about the games aside from the fact that they are wildly long and also wildly complicated. I guess there are a lot of variables when it comes to killing monsters.

Anyway, the film has two new posters (below) which show us the film’s stars, Milla Jovovich and Tony Jaa. Also appearing in the posters are two stupidly-big swords. They’re massive! Jovovich’s sword (which is apparently called a Jawblade) is bigger than she is! I know you need large tools to take down large beasts but, damn, this is just silly.

The film, due this September, will find Jovovich playing a Lt. Artemis who is transported to another world and is tasked to do battle against these behemoth beasts alongside Jaa’s character. So you’re telling me she’s new to the world and is already wielding such a huge sword? Okay, sure. Though, to be fair, if anyone could learn that skill quickly it would be Jovovich. That girl is tough.

It’s been awhile since we’ve seen Anderson’s brand of slow-motion, over-the-top action so I am curious to witness what he does with Monster Hunter. The premise alone is crazy enough that it feels like a perfect fit for him. Plus it’s a video game movie and we know Anderson has plenty of experience with those.

Monster Hunter opens September 4th.