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Steven Spielberg Begs — BEGS! — Vin Diesel To Direct

Vin Diesel is not just an action star. No, you fools, he’s a God damn artist.

But seriously, few people know that Diesel got his start directing rather than just acting. His 1995 short film, Multi-Facial, was well-received and followed up by a full-length directorial effort, Strays. That film was also applauded by critics and was a Sundance entry. So he’s not just good for driving fast cars and wearing wife-beaters. Vin’s got range.

His first films were so good, in fact, that they caught the eye of a certain Mr. Steven Spielberg. The director was impressed by Diesel’s Multi-Facial and offered the young performer a part in Saving Private Ryan. Diesel of course took that part and delivered a brief but memorable turn in that classic. And then his career skyrocketed and the rest is history.

Since then Diesel has focused all of his energy on acting. Hey, these cars aren’t gonna race themselves! But he has recently been encouraged to get back into directing by none other than the aforementioned legend, Steven Spielberg.

Speaking with The National, Diesel said that Spielberg is downright heartbroken that Vin hasn’t directed anything since his two movies from the 90s:

Speaking of Steven Spielberg, I saw him recently, and he had said to me, ‘When I wrote the role for you in “Saving Private Ryan,” I was obviously employing the actor, but I was also secretly championing the director in you, and you have not directed enough. That is a crime of cinema and you must get back in the directing chair.

A crime of cinema! God damn, that’s quite the statement especially coming from the greatest director of all time. That’s like Bob Dylan telling you to write music again or LeBron James telling you to play basketball. If I was given those instructions from Steven freaking Spielberg I would drop everything I was doing and immediately begin putting together a new movie. You can’t let Stevie down, Vin.

Now, is there a chance that Diesel is perhaps embellishing his conversation with Spielberg? Sure there is! It’s possible. Likely even! But it does sound like Spielberg is a fan of Diesel’s work. And, honestly, I also want to see him direct again. Not because I think he’s a great director — I haven’t seen any of his work — but because I have always kind of liked Diesel and wanted him to succeed but his acting has becoming increasingly grating to me. So I don’t necessarily want to see him on-screen but I do want to see him do well. What can I say, he seems like a nice guy!

The National goes on to point out that Diesel has always wanted to make an epic film about Carthaginian general Hannibal Barca. Diesel says he put a lot of time and energy into crafting that project (he refers to it as a trilogy) but hasn’t been able to set aside the time to make it. Yet. Perhaps the wise words and desperate plea of Steven Spielberg will change his tune. Or maybe he’ll get wrapped up making Furious 10, 11 and 12. Priorities.