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Finch Club: The Social Network

This week on the Frame Work podcast show, it’s time for another one of David Fincher’s major works, the Facebook origin story The Social Network. Is this one of the great films of the millennium? What do we even mean when we call a movie something like that? Is Mark Zuckerberg a generational genius or just an extremely fortunate smart guy? Is the cultural foresight displayed here prescient or lucky? Why didn’t Justin Timberlake get to be in more movies? Major questions, one and all, and we get into them, along with some digressions on the Suspiria remake, Armie Hammer’s cannibal madness, and quite a bit about Parks and Rec’s Tom Haverford.

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The Social Network

To catch up on previous episodes on the films of David Fincher, and other culturally important topics like Stephen King fantasy epics or thirty year old computer RPGs, be sure to look for the Frame Work podcast on the podcast app of your choice. Look for the logo below!