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Finch Club: Ranking Fincher

So, we got through the entire David Fincher filmography. What have we learned? In this closing installment of Finch Club, Al and myself deliver our final rankings and discuss the man’s brilliant career. What will come out on top? There’s five viable options! Or will something else sneak in, a resurgent Benjamin Button, perhaps? Nope, that one still comes in last.

Thanks to everyone who followed along with us. Christopher Nolan starts in two weeks time, and we’ve got some great guests lined up for it.

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Ranking Fincher

If you’d like to hear us talk about any of these films individually, you can find our back issues on the podcast app of your choice. The show is called Frame Work, and they’re all there. If you especially like us, you can rate and review the show, which increases its visibility on said podcast apps! What a deal!