...A Killer What? - Day 22

ReviewsRyan CoveyComment
31 Days of Horror - A Killer What.jpg

Killer Tongue (1996)

A Killer What?

Killer Tongue - Monster.jpg

A killer tongue that grows out of a woman’s mouth when she eats soup that a fragment of a meteorite has landed in. The soup also turns her pastel-colored poodles into human drag queens who capture people to feed the voracious tongue, who has fingerlike appendages and talks like Richard Fierstein.

Is It Any Good?

This movie exists in some quantum space that is neither good nor bad. It’s half weird performance art, half weird b-movie and while there is a clear and followable plot the things that happen are so bizarre as to render it nonsensical. In a lot of ways this is Bad Biology without all the uncomfortable repugnant shit.

The elevator pitch is that Candy waits in the desert near a nunnery/gas station while her boyfriend serves a prison sentence for a robbery he committed. One night a meteorite lands in her soup, which she shares with her pastel poodles. The soup turns the poodles into drag queens and turns Candy into some sort of titty-catsuit demon with a six-foot long carnivorous tongue with a sassy persona and a mind of its own. Meanwhile, Candy’s boyfriend Johnny attempts to escape prison and a sadistic warden (Robert Englund) to go help Candy from two criminals who they betrayed after the robbery.

The acting is good, the costuming is inspired, the music is terrible generic trance bullshit, there’s some decent splatter gore, it’s easy to follow but makes no sense at all. This is peak ‘90s b-movie film-making. If you enjoyed Sonny Boy, Repo Man, Body Melt, The Dark Backward, Six-String Samurai or any other nonsensical counterculture movie that toes the line between art and garbage and seems to have been made just to spit in the eye of God then you’ll probably enjoy this too.

Watch, Toss, or Buy?

Pretty much the only way to buy this movie is as a bargain-bin baby that’s packed with at least two other weird cult-horror movies so you can easily score it for $5. It’s worth that.

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