New ‘Walking Dead’ Series Has A Title, Teaser, Zombies

Articles, Pop CultureBrandon MarcusComment

Like a hoard of hungry zombies, the new spin-off series of The Walking Dead goes marching on. We have long known about this show and that it would take place after the zombie apocalypse and would follow a group of young up-and-comers as they tried to navigate through a world filled with undead ghouls. But we didn’t know much else aside from that basic premise.

Now we know a bit more. The show will be called The Walking Dead: World Beyond and it’ll premiere in the Spring of 2020. We have also found out that Julia Ormond has joined the cast as Elizabeth, the leader of some sort of post-government operation that is focused on order and rebuilding civilization. You get a glimpse of her and her organization but JUST a glimpse in the teaser trailer that AMC released (above). It’s not a lot but for die-hard Walking Dead fans, it’s at least something.

World Beyond comes at an interesting time when the popularity of the once-massive franchise has waned considerably. You have to remember that there was a time when The Walking Dead was the biggest show on TV. And now, now it is most definitely NOT. But it’s still AMC’s pride and joy and they have faith that World Beyond will bring in viewers, even those who have strayed from the series recently.

The show is promising to be different than other Walking Dead shows but the teaser above looks like it could be from any of them. It doesn’t look very different at all to me but I’m no Walking Dead expert. To me, it looks and feels like the same old, same old. So what if the cast is younger? That doesn’t mean jack if they’re just following the same path as their older counter-parts in a series that looks and feels exactly like what came before. AMC has a chance to actually shake things up with this stale and dwindling franchise and let’s hope that they do because even Walking Dead naysayers like me want a good zombie show on TV.

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