‘Midway’ Trailer: Roland Emmerich Goes to War

Articles, Pop CultureBrandon MarcusComment

Though he might not be everyone’s cup of tea, I don’t think people should feel shame for liking the films of Roland Emmerich. The director knows what he does well and he sure as shit delivers when it comes to the big screen mayhem. No one blows stuff up like Roland Emmerich.

And that’s exactly what he’s doing with Midway, his first war picture. The movie deals with the epic World War II battle of Midway, a pivotal event that changed American and world history. Luckily for fans of Emmerich, the battle featured lots of planes, explosions and loud noises. Ah, it’s right up his alley.

The first trailer for Midway is embedded below.

What do you think? Personally, I’m into it. Yes, we have had a million WWII movies over the years and, no, it doesn’t seem like Emmerich is doing anything new here. But Roland Emmerich films are cinematic comfort food. You know exactly what you’re getting when you enter the theater and, more times than not, Mr. Emmerich nails the tone and scope of his stories.

My one fear here is that Emmerich might be working outside of his comfort zone and that could end badly. Filmmakers love heaping doses of emotion and human drama in their World War II films and that’s definitely not Emmerich’s strong suit. The man is an expert at CG chaos but misses a step when it comes to real humanity. So there’s a chance this film will be bogged down by the typical WWII trappings.

Regardless it’s always good to see Roland Emmerich releasing a new movie. His films aren’t always classics (let’s never speak of the Independence Day sequel) but they’re often worth the price of admission. Besides, seeing Midway is like a patriotic duty, isn’t it?

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