George Miller Once Again Teases ‘Fury Road’ Sequels

Articles, Pop CultureBrandon MarcusComment

I think all of us have been ready for a Mad Max:Fury Road sequel ever since the credits rolled. The movie is…well, I don’t have to tell you. It’s a masterpiece of cinema. In fact, if someone asked me to describe the magic of movies with one film, Fury Road would definitely be what I’d show them. George Miller put on a God damn clinic and no action film since has come close.

There has been talk of a Fury Road follow-up for years but no movement, due to legal battles between Warner Bros and Miller’s production company. That’s a damn shame because it seems that every single film on Earth gets a sequel eventually, especially the movies we don’t care for. Why can’t we get a sequel to a film that we all universally cherish?

Well, maybe we can. Speaking with IndieWire, George Miller said things are finally calming down between he and WB and a Fury Road successor seems likely.

There are two stories, both involving Mad Max, and also a Furiosa story. We’re still solving, we’ve got to play out the Warners thing, it seems to be pretty clear that it’s going to happen.
— George Miller

“Pretty clear that it’s going to happen.” Ah, that’s music to my ears.

We all want this sequel and we want it now. Of course, we had to wait years and years for Fury Road so I guess we can all bide our time for another film in the series. It’s a huge relief to know that Miller and WB are putting their differences aside and making progress with their legal issues. For awhile it seemed that another Mad Max movie was about as unlikely as Mel Gibson winning a humanitarian award, it just wasn’t happening. But Miller has always said he has ideas for more movies in this franchise and was itching to make them. He must be happy that he’ll have his chance.

WB must be happy too. Yes, Fury Road was a huge critical hit and earned multiple Oscar nominations but it also brought in a fine amount of cash at the box office too. People loved this movie and people saw this movie. Warner Bros wants as many franchises as possible now that we live in the Golden Age of Disney so more Mad Max will make them excited too. Finally a story from Hollywood where everybody wins!

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