Sure, I’d Watch Wyatt Russell In The ‘Escape From New York’ Remake

Articles, Pop CultureBrandon MarcusComment

I love Escape From New York. You love Escape From New York. We all love Escape From New York. Since we are such devoted fans of the John Carpenter classic, we are understandably hesitant to endorse the announced remake/reboot of the film from director Leigh Whannell. And since this is 2020 and Hollywood can’t resist, we don’t really have a choice but to accept it.

That being said, Whannell seems to understand just how preciously some hold the original 1981 film. He knows how much fans idolize the movie and he has a good idea on how to please those fans. Speaking with JoBlo, Whannell said this about re-casting Snake Plissken, who was of course originally played by lord of cinema Kurt Russell.

[Casting Wyatt Russell] seems like the obvious thing to win the fans over.
— Leigh Whannell

Leigh, you brilliant son of a bitch.

So if this remake has to happen (and, trust me, it does) the idea of casting Kurt’s talented, charming and accomplished son Wyatt as the lead is a pretty genius move. He’s automatically given a lot of goodwill because fans cherish Kurt so much. Plus he’s a good actor in his own right. Plus plus he would obviously nail the look because he resembles dear old dad. Plus plus plus it would show that Whannell and those involved are aware of just how special this film is to so many. Sure, the casting would be something of a wink and a nod to audiences but it would also be a heartfelt gesture to show that they aren’t trying to bastardize things too much.

I’m into the idea. Not only because I like the thought of keeping the casting in the family but also because I genuinely enjoy Wyatt Russell as a performer.

Whannell didn’t stop there. He also had this to say about the proposed remake:

It’s funny, I’ve been so busy working on this film where I haven’t had time to circle back around on that project. Sometimes these press releases go out before you’re ready, you’re like, ‘Don’t tell the world!’ I don’t actually know, I really don’t. That is an iconic character and I think that Snake Plissken is a part of people’s childhood and their adolescence. It’s near and dear to them. So I would tread very carefully with that.

I feel like a property like that doesn’t have the same freedom as maybe something like The Invisible Man does. He has more elasticity as a character because so many people have had their fingerprints on that. There’s been TV shows and comic books, whereas with Escape from New York, we’re talking about one definitive movie here and you don’t want to mess with it. We’ll see what happens.

He’s absolutely right that anyone who attempts to remake Escape From New York needs to tread carefully. I get the sense that Whannell is very nervous but also excited to be involved in the project. He understands the risks attached and how important the character is to legions, mostly because it’s apparently very important to him too. I don’t think Leigh Whannell is just some hired hand who is writing/producing and possibly directing this feature. I think he’s a true fan being given an opportunity to work on something that he respects.

Ask yourself if you, being the huge Escape From New York fan that you are, would take the chance that Whannell has. If the studio came to you and asked you to tackle the remake, would you do it? Sure it has some hefty challenges and you risk pissing off millions of people. At the same time, if you don’t do it perhaps someone less talented and less respectful will. If it has to happen, it might as well happen at the hands of someone who will take it seriously.

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