Disney Is Giving Bruno Mars His Own Movie

Articles, Pop CultureBrandon MarcusComment

How do you feel about Bruno Mars? Do you like his style of crooner-meets-funk pop music? Do you like his appearances on Saturday Night Live? Do you find him charming and charismatic? Or do you think he’s derivative and overexposed and kinda bland?

Hopefully you’re a fan because you’re about to see a lot more of him. Deadline is reporting that Disney has signed a deal to create a music-themed film that’ll star Mr. Mars. No word on who will write or direct but Mars will be a major part, he will produce as well as lead the film. The original music in the movie will all be created and performed by Mars as well. So it’s basically The Bruno Mars Movie.

Deadline says Disney has been having discussions with Mars for some time, trying to find the right project for the star. They’re obviously wanting to be in the Bruno Mars business and, opinions aside, you can’t blame them. He’s won multiple awards and sold millions of albums. Disney recently nabbed up the rights to a theatrical release of Hamilton and it’s becoming obvious that they see musically-themed films as a rich vein to mine. Others have tried (coughCatscough) and failed but Disney knows that if anyone can make multiple successful musicals, it’s them. I wouldn’t be surprised if you see other big-named talents sign to make movies with Disney. Are we really that far away from a Taylor Swift film? Tell me that wouldn’t sell out theaters across the country.

Personally I couldn’t care less about Bruno Mars. He’s just not for me. But I see what Disney is doing here and I have to say it’s pretty smart. The musical film genre is just another avenue they’re trying to own. They don’t want to stay in just one lane, they want to dominate all the lanes. And, hell, I bet they can.

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