Oh, Thank Goodness: ESPN Will Debut ‘The Last Dance’ In April Instead of June

Articles, Pop CultureBrandon MarcusComment

Above is the final trailer for the ESPN 10-part documentary series The Last Dance and with it comes good news: the worldwide leader in sports has decided to premiere the show early, setting an April 19 release date for the first episode instead of June like they had originally planned. Damn, that’s quite the bump up. I’m not going to argue!

I don’t have to tell you that new entertainment is desperately needed right now as we all ride out the COVID-19 pandemic. And, sadly, a lot of the movies and shows we were looking forward to have been postponed or indefinitely delayed. So to see the opposite, to see a hotly-anticipated series premiere early, is good news indeed. This will make any sports fan happy.

And sports fans should really be excited for The Last Dance. The series tells the tale of the epic, legendary final championship season for the Chicago Bulls lead by none other than Michael Jordan. Jordan and his team were looking for their third-straight trophy and their second three-peat. It was a season fraught with struggle, determination, drama and lots of wild characters. And while we all know how it ends, this docuseries promises to show us a lot of new footage and exclusive interviews with people who know (or just idolize) Michael Jordan. Some of the interviewees include Justin Timberlake, President Barack Obama, LeBron James and the late, great Kobe Bryant. This thing is stacked. I feel like almost everyone would talk about Michael Jordan if they could.

ESPN has created some fantastic documentaries in the past and it feels like a meaty, lengthy doc about the Bulls and Jordan was inevitable, it feels as though it’s all been leading up to this. I am glad that they’re taking this awful situation we’re in and turning it into an opportunity for entertainment and comfort.

The Last Dance starts airing on ESPN on April 19.

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