“Maybe That Will Happen”: Simon Pegg Talks ‘Star Trek’

ArticlesBrandon MarcusComment

We might not ever see another direct sequel to the Star Trek films started by J.J. Abrams back in 2009. I think we will see another Star Trek movie but I am doubtful it will be with the same cast and crew that gave use Star Trek, Star Trek Into Darkness and Star Trek Beyond.

You know who else seems doubtful about the future of Star Trek? None other than series co-star Simon Pegg.

Speaking with Collider, the once (and future?) Scotty had this to say about the long-in-development Star Trek 4:

“We’re all still in contact, we were emailing with each other the other day, just checking in, ‘how are we,’ and stuff. But it’s not like any of us have been banging on the door at Paramount saying, ‘Hey, when are we doing this?’ If they say, ‘We’d like to do another movie,’ I’m sure we’ll all jump at the chance. I miss those guys, and I love making those films. But I just don’t know. Noah Hawley’s project has been mentioned, and maybe that will happen. I don’t know anything about that. So yeah, I’m as in the dark as everyone else, I’m in the same boat as you guys.”

You have to remember that Pegg has been an intricate part of this new Star Trek franchise. Not only has he appeared in all three films, he also co-wrote the third movie and has become the de facto spokesperson for the movies. So the fact that he himself is “in the dark” doesn’t bode too well for any upcoming sequels.

He is right that Noah Hawley (Fargo, Legion) is attached to a new Trek film. That is supposedly in development. But we know very little about that project. Perhaps Hawley is greatly re-tooling the series and has booted the original cast. Perhaps it has hit a few road blocks. Perhaps it’s going to be made far, far in the future. It doesn’t sound like it’s at the top of Paramount’s agenda.

Whatever is going on with Star Trek, Pegg is as clueless as we are and that doesn’t inspire much hope.

On a sadder note, Pegg mentioned that the series was dealt a serious blow after the death of star Anton Yelchin. Yelchin, who played Chekov, tragically passed away in 2016 and Pegg said his death “took the wind out of our sails in terms of our enthusiasm.” That is completely understandable. I honestly can’t imagine attempting to move forward after losing such a vital member of their family. He is missed.

In the end, I am confident Paramount will make another Star Trek. I am less confident that it will look and feel like the last few Star Treks.

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