Finch Club: Se7en

Articles, Pop CultureJohn BernhardComment

This time on Finch Club, we’re taking on one of David Fincher’s enduring classics, the serial killer thriller Se7en. A far more effective wallow is despair than his previous film, it turns out that Se7en really holds up. We’re talking about the oppressive any-city it takes place in, the eternal battle between optimism and apathy, all the cues The Dark Knight took from this, consider the Spacey effect on the film’s ending, and ask the question, is this a Horror film? Let me tell you folks, Schwartz is on fire in this one.

And of course, to find more episodes of Frame Work, please check us out on the podcast app of your choice (Finch Club is the name of this series, Frame Work is the podcast title). And if you’d like to support the program, please rate and review it on that app, as this is the best way to increase its visibility. And telling your friends through social media certainly doesn’t hurt either. Whatever you feel comfortable with! Next week, we’ll be starting a lengthy jaunt into Middle Earth, with Fincher’s The Game on the horizon.


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