Finch Club: The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo

Articles, Pop CultureJohn BernhardComment

This week on Frame Work, we’re joined by the terrific Elisabeth Rappe to discuss David Fincher’s adaptation of one of the All Timer airport novels, The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. Intended to launch a massive franchise for adults, this one kind of fell through the cracks at the time of release, but how has ten years treated it? We’re talking about Scandanavian Noir, Trent Reznor, the challenge of adapting extremely popular, already adapted works, animal death in film, Stellan of Clan Skarsgard, and the Orinoco Flow. And of course, this is a pretty gnarly movie, with some intense scenes of sexual violence, so we get to discuss those as well. A more interesting movie than it gets credit for, I’d have to say.

And of course, if you’d like to hear more on Fincher movies, and other stuff as well, please do visit us on the podcast app of your choice, where you can download back episodes, subscribe to future ones (such as the upcoming Gone Girl), or dare I say it, leave ratings and/or reviews that help increase the visibility of the podcast, as a bigger audience can only mean massive profit for all! Just look for the artwork below.


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