Catch You Later Flyboy....

ArticlesNick PeronComment

George A. Romero just passed away today. Usually when a celebrity shuffles a mortal coil I have a tasteless oneliner (I am a dark comic after all) or don't give it a second thought. The storytellers that I grew up with are going to start dropping like flies between now and 2030. Soon they'll all be gone eventualy. However, George is different. He was a consumate professional, a class act, and a genuine person. One of the most iconic horror directors of the past few generations and if you ever met him, you quickly learned that he was the most down to Earth person. That's rare in the horror genre where most of the legends have become complete assholes while languishing away on the horror convention circuit. 

I had the pleasure of working with George at a convention a few years back. I don't tend to brag about the famous people I've interacted with over they years, but George was truely an honor.​

​I remember the second day working with him. The night before, my drink had been spiked and I somehow managed to get back to my hotel without getting cornholed by the beefy metalhead who drugged me. I was rough the next day. You know what it's like the day after you take E? Picture that but x1000. I had one foot in the grave. Still, I had a job to perform. I remember vividly meeting up with George the following morning. He takes one look at me, see's the healing gash on my forehead (from smucking my head on the night table in the hotel room the night before) and says "Have a rough night?" I say yes, fearing I am one complaint away from being subbed out for someone else who didn't look lile they were pushed through a meet grinder. George looks at me, smiles his wide nicotine stained smile and says "It happens to the best of us!" And winks at me. That was George for you.

Also, he answered all my inane questions about ​Knightriders​. Mostly out of relief because they were not inane questions about the ​D​ead ​​​​series.

He will always be remembered for his zombie movies, but if you have not seen his full body of work, you are doing yourself a great disservice. If you're going to pay tribute to the legend, I recommend the following films: ​

​Monkey Shines


Guy confined to a wheelchair being tormented by his assistance monkey. It's got it all: Monkeys, mouth sex, and the follies of science toying in God's domain.

The Crazies


A secret government experiment, a town under quarentine. Absolute chaos. Also, the best scene of a woman sweeping a broom in an open film ever put to film.



If you don't know this one, shame on you. Stop reading the article and watch it NOW.  



What's better than a Renaissance  Festival? A Ren-Fest on motor cycles that is 2 hours long. TOM SAVINI ON A MOTORCYCLE IN A SUIT OF ARMOR! That's like Sex Machine to the nth degree. 

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