I Want to Like This Idea Of David Ayer Directing ‘The Dirty Dozen’

Articles, Pop CultureBrandon MarcusComment

Here’s an unpopular opinion: I like David Ayer. His work on Training Day, Harsh Times and End of Watch is impressive and the perfect amount of gritty. Plus I actually enjoyed Fury, the Brad Pitt tank movie that did a great job representing the loud, chaotic inhumanity of war.

Of course, then Ayer went on to direct Suicide Squad and Bright, both of which are best left forgotten. The less said, the better.

Despite his recent string of missteps, I still quite like Ayer’s vision and the atmosphere of his films. So I am kind of optimistic about the news that he is in talks to direct a remake of The Dirty Dozen for Warner Bros. The original film was about a rag-tag group of rough fighters who crossed enemy lines in WWII to kill bad guys with lots of bullets and lots of violence. That sounds right up Ayer’s alley, no?

It is impossible to mention the Dirty Dozen remake without referencing Suicide Squad because the plots are so damn similar. In fact, The Dirty Dozen was a major influence on Suicide Squad. While part of me is hopeful that this remake will be a redemption of sorts, another part of me is afraid it’ll be a repeat of Suicide Squad. But I sure as hell hope not because I don’t know if my poor heart can handle that again.

Ayer is set to write the remake with Simon Kinberg, of X-Men fame (and infamy), producing.

This film has the chance to draw in a very robust cast, just like the original. I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of A-listers signed on for it, Ayer has a way of bringing in talent. I hope in the months ahead, the filmmaker studies Suicide Squad and notices everything that went wrong. Take note of what made that movie an absolute mess and avoid it at all costs, Mr. Ayer. The world doesn’t need another movie like Suicide Squad. We have all been through enough already.

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