Jason Momoa Seems to Really Like the “Snyder Cut”

Articles, Pop CultureBrandon MarcusComment

Oy vey, here we go with the Snyder Cut again.

Ever since the release and lackluster response to Justice League, fans of Zack Snyder have been convinced that there is an alternate, far better version of the film that was shelved by Warner Bros in favor of the mess we saw. Fans say that when Snyder was replaced by Joss Whedon in the final months of production and reshoots, the film was greatly altered and a bunch of the footage that Snyder had shot was trashed. That footage, these people think, would create a great superhero movie. That footage is the Snyder Cut.

Those who believe in the Snyder Cut really, REALLY believe in it. They are already convinced that it’s a terrific film and are angry at WB for hiding it from them. They’ve crowdfunded money to pressure the studio to release the movie but Warner Bros hasn’t budged, insisting that there is no Snyder Cut. Meanwhile, Mr. Snyder himself has made the situation worse because he keeps teasing a Justice League that could’ve been, releasing pre-production art that suggested a very different film. And the mobs of angry fans just keep getting louder…and, frankly, more annoying.

And now Jason Momoa, Aquaman himself, is going to ignite things even more because, according to his Instagram, he’s seen the Snyder Cut and says it’s “ssssiiicccckkkkkk.” That’s high praise! He claims that Snyder himself showed him the footage, which would make sense. The two are close friends and have obviously worked together closely multiple times. Momoa seems like the enthusiastic type, especially about projects that he’s involved with, so I don’t know how seriously I’d take his praise.

More importantly, I wouldn’t ever, ever, ever expect to see the infamous Snyder Cut. It’s just not going to happen. Apparently the movie is a rough, rough cut of the film, an assembly cut essentially. It’s missing special effects, huge chunks of film and isn’t even remotely close to being done. WB is excited to leave Justice League behind so there is no chance that they’d plunk down the cash to get the Snyder Cut turned into a full-length, watchable film. So it’s not even an actual “cut”, it’s a bunch of extra scenes that don’t make a whole film.

But that won’t stop people from pleading and begging WB to release it. They’ll keep shouting from the rooftops that somewhere out there, there exists a Justice League that is, you know, actually good.

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